Monday, April 27, 2020

System Analysis and Design Questions Answers

Question 1

(A/L ICT Past Paper)
Fill in the blanks in the following Data Flow Diagram of the sales information system of a company called Bookland, only by using the words in Boldface in the description given below.

Bookland is a book store that specializes in selling rare books, which are usually not available from other sources. As a practice, Bookland maintains just a one copy of any book at a time due to the higher price of rare books.

Typically, a customer makes a book inquiry over the phone from the Sales Assistant at Bookland. She then goes through book details in the Inventory file to check whether such a book is in their stock. If the details of the book is found in the Inventory file, the Sales Assistant then refers to the Hold-on Requests tray to make sure that the book status is 'available' and makes a reply to the inquiry. If the book status is 'available' and the customer wishes to reserve the book, she then takes customer's personal details and places a hold-on request against that book in the hold-on Request tray making the book no longer available.

When the customer comes to make the payment and collect the book, the Cashier at Bookland refer to the Hold-on Requests tray and finds the relevant hold-on request made by the customer. If there is a valid hold-on Requests she then accept the Payment from the customer, issues a payment receipt to the customer and finalize the sale. The customer is then allowed to take away the book. The cashier also files the copy of the payment receipt in the Sales file, uses it at the end of the day to compile a sales report and sends it to the Owner of the book land. After every sale, the cashier updates the book details in the inventory file and keeps the stock up to date. When the Owner supplies books to Bookland, he sends details of books to cashier and cashier adds them one by one to the Inventory file.


SAD - Answer for Question 1

Question 2
(A/L ICT Past Paper)
Draw a context diagram to show the operations of the online assignment management system described below adhering to the standards of the Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology(SSADM). Clearly indicate external entities and data flow of your diagram. State any assumption that you have made.

The National University of ICT (NUICT) conducts distance learning programs. The students of NUICT are continuously assessed through online assignments. The students of NUICT use an online assignment management system called NetAssign to download assignments and upload answer scripts. The examiners use NetAssign to upload assignments and to download answer scripts. Once the answer scripts are marked, the examiner enter marks into NetAssign. The students can view only the grades determined by NetAssign. To use NetAssign, both examiners and students must provide authentication details to the system. These authentication details are provided by NUICT to its students and examiners.


SAD Context Diagram Answer

Question 3
(A/L ICT Past Paper)
Draw a context diagram to show the overview of the library system described below, Clearly indicate external entities and data flows of your diagram and state any acceptable assumptions that you have made.

The National Information Technology Library (NITL) provides e-books to its users through an online system named "Library Information Processing System(LIPS)".

A Person should submit an application to NITL to become a member of the LIPS. The NITL evaluates the application and enters it to the LIPS, if it is approved. After entering the application data, LIPS issues an activation code to NITL which in turn passes it to the relevant person. Once the activation code is received, the person becomes a member of LIPS. A member can obtain his/her username and password by providing the activation code to the LIPS. A member can subsequently access e-books by entering his/her username and the password to the LIPS.


SAD Answer - Context Diagram

Note :

Different DFD Notations

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